September Started…

… in a way I did not anticipate. The last two days of August my throat felt a bit sore and irritated. I attributed my throat irritation to the bits of haze that were in air deteriorating the air quality a bit, as my throat felt much better while I was inside. Then on the first day of September I woke up with intense throat irritation, unlike anything I experienced before. The next day I woke up feeling a high degree of fatigue that I had not felt since having a bad case of the flu almost five years ago.

Regardless of what virus I had, I knew from paying to the innate wisdom of my body that I needed to rest and to do so deeply. The most intense periods of my illness were spent laying atop my bed sipping on a steady stream of green and herbal teas whilst listening to soft music. After resting for about two days, my body felt eager to explore movement through yin yoga and slow walks. I relished in this reawakening from my short period of rest, feeling curious and playful like a newborn chick that has just hatched from its egg. I still feel this way today, full of a newfound appreciation and zest for life, my body, and all of the sensations I am blessed to experience. While, starting off my September was quite a surprise, I would not have wanted it any other way. I look forward to carrying these pieces of gratitude all through autumn.

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